Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Seattle Center-AGAIN!

My mother tends to bring me here several times a year.  She heard that there was a new playground by the EMP and wanted to check it out with Andrea, Elloit, Andy and Colin (not my uncle).
 It was crazy!  Lots of ropes and platforms.  The slides were up really high!

 The slides were a little too high for me, but not for Elliot, Andy and Colin.  I stayed low but still had fun.
 After the jungle gym, we decided to go geocaching.  Colin had never done it.  We hit the Dinosaur Train one behind the PBS station.  The next one was in the Opera House parking garage.  We trekked over and it was hard to find.  There was a community garden on top of the parking garage!
 It was really lovely up here, but I found the sun too bright and had to wear Mom's sunglasses!
There were even plants growing out of this car!!!
It turned out that the cache was not in the garden, but on the wall of the parking garage.  We are signing the book above.
 Time for lunch at the Armory/Center House.  We walked through this fountain at the Opera House.
 Those Betsy Johnson glasses look awesome on me!  After waiting in LONG LONG lines (Dota 2 International gaming competitors) to get Subway sandwiches, we ate and set out for .....
 The International Fountain!!!!!
 This fountain is so much fun.
 Andy and I are right next to it, waiting for the water to explode from it.
Like this!!!!!!  That's me in action!
 Andy and I took a break before we went back in.  Then I was ready to head home.  It was a good day .