Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Card 2015

Last year, we didn't feel like celebrating very much, so their wasn't a Christmas Card.  This year we decided to do it again with some help from a friend.
My parents and I were sitting around the dining room table throwing out ideas.  I came up with "Hansel & Gretel".  Mom has been reading a lot of fairy-tales to my 3rd grade class for the past couple of months.  We needed a Gretel, so we asked friend and neighbor, Sabrina to play the part.  She was willing and the card was a go!
 We found Sabrina's outfit on Amazon.com, but Mom had to make my lederhosen, which are made out of felt.

We had to take a lot of pictures to get one that worked!
Mom built the house!  Dad brought all the layers into one image and Mom cleaned it up.  Fortunately, we have an idea for next year!

Last Day of School 2015!

On December 18th, my class had a party!  Fancy dress was encouraged.   Not much learning was going on,  Parents came with food and the 6th graders helped to decorate. 
 My teacher, Miss Newby was really happy!
 There was a lot of food!  My mom brought allergy free cup cakes for me and two other girls in my class.
 Andy, Mahi, Reese and I wore suits.  Reese and Mahi had ties!
After food, there were crafts!  Seth and I are working on marshmallow snow men.
 We did scratch art over here.

 Ow!  I hit my knee running around the crowded room!
 It was fun, but after two hours, I had had enough partying and socializing, so I read my book!
Mom and I left at 1:15! Which was good.  It gave me time to rest before karate and and evening Christmas Party at Claire's house.

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Lion King

I am helping out in The Bridge School's "The Lion King".  I am playing one of the raffiki's or narrator's of the story. I am doing it, because the director, Andrea asked me to help her out.  She needed more older kids in the production.  Today was the first day that we all practiced on stage.
I'm on the very left side.  I have to sing two songs and help out with the others.
We worked on a lot of the scenes in the first half of the play.  It was long, and at times boring.  Mom tells me that the actual production will go faster and be more fun.

The Lion King - Play Practice

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Almost Halloween

On Friday, October 30th, we were allowed to wear our costumes to KMVA.
 When Mom picked me up, she had her camera.  I was slender man again.
He's this creepy internet guy that wears a suit in the forest.  He lives off children's souls.  Scary huh?

 My third grade classmates all started getting into the picture.

 And more...
 I decided to run and get my mask.  Otherwise it looks like I am just wearing a suit.  That's not very scary.
 Oh there's Andy.  He's the lone ranger.  Not sure where he was running around....
 Ok, got the mask

 This is my full costume.  Later that same day, Mom and I went to the Halloween party at the dojo.
 I found Sabrina.

 Elliot was Hiccup from "How to Train Your Dragon".  Andy is below with Claire and Sabrina.  We stayed for about 45 minutes.  Fortunately, we did not do the haunted house.  I hear from Sabrina's Mom that it was scary.  Too scary.  Halloween Day was awful around here.  He had a lot of rain and wind.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

3rd Grade so far...

This is my 3rd Grade Portrait!  We had pictures soon after school started.  I got my hair cut and my two upper front teeth fell out just days after this picture was taken.
See?  My hair is shorter now!  That's Andy (my friend-also 3rd Grade) and his older brother Elliot.  They come hone with me three days a week.  We also do karate together.
 My Mom, and Andy's Mom, Andrea (that's her above), parent volunteer in my class.  They teach art every other week on Friday afternoon's.  My Mom found the lesson on the internet and called it: "Spooky Trees".
Here are some of my new classmates and their projects... 

Here's mine!  I really like my new school, and my teacher, Miss Newby.  

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hello Kent Mountain View Academy!

The day started off with swim lessons.  Sabrina is in my class, and our friend Andy came to join us afterwards in "Open Swim".  We had fun in the water until it was time for lunch.  Sabrina re-joined us after lunch and we played "Rayman", a fun game that we could all play together!

At 2 o'clock, Andy & I had orientation at our new school, Kent Mountain View Academy (aka KMVA).  It starts in 3rd Grade and goes through high school.  Sabrina will be starting 2nd, so she couldn't come with us.
We were gathered in the school gym.  I still have swimmer hair.
Standing in the distance is Principal Knipp.  She welcomed us and told us some of the events that we could expect our first day of school next week.

All the staff sang a song to: YMCA, instead using KMVA!  Afterwards we got to met our teacher. Miss Newbie, see our classroom and some other fellow 3rd graders.
My parents got finger printed, so that they may help out at the school.  
This is me with Miss Newby.  She is really nice.  I am looking forward to getting back in the classroom!  They day ended with Sabrina and Andy at Goju Karate

Friday, August 21, 2015

Mall of America

Our last day in Minnesota was stormy.  It started raining the evening before and was constant all day Tuesday.  Mom and Grandma decided to drive up to the Mall of America and get some exercise by walking around.  It is the largest mall in the United States. 
 There was an amusement park in the middle of the mall.  It was Nickelodeon themed.  Dad laughed and said that is was originally Peanuts themed-Camp Snoopy when it opened!
I decided not to go on any rides.

They did have a really big Lego store.  Afterwards, Grandma dropped us at the airport.  I was glad to be coming home.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Oxbow Park

Mom, Uncle Shanth, Tha-tha, Max, Quinn and I went to Oxbow Park today.  Oxbow is located about 5 miles outside of Rochester.  It is a preserved wilderness with a zoo, picnicking and trails.
 Here we are with two eagles.
There's a badger!

There is a wolf right above Quinn's head, sitting on the rocks.
Grey foxes!  Next tot he zoo was an interactive play area-it looked like it was not quite finished.
 They had bridges and a gong

 Uncle Shanth is standing on Saturn.
 Other planets
After a short walk, we had a snack by the Zumbro River.
Max and I were tired and did not want to go on a short hike.
 We did go up on the bridge and watched dogs playing in the water.