Tuesday, May 5, 2015

State Capitol!

On Tuesday, my school went to the State Capitol in Olympia.
There are 42 steps to get inside the capitol building because Washington is the 42nd state in the union!

 Once we made it up the stairs, our guide Chris, showed us some bronze doors.  This set is permanently closed since the earthquake in '01.
 Once inside, we saw marble everywhere!

 I waited with Anne & Andy while everyone else went to the bathroom!  There were a lot of stairs inside this building.
 Chris showed us more things about Washington State.  We saw the state seal, state frog, state tree, apples etc....
 They also had a replica of the gun that shot Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago.
 Here is a rare handmade flag with 42 stars.
 The bronze state seal in the floor in the very center of the rotunda.
 This is the class sitting in the rotunda.  We tried out the acoustics, which were really good.

 The entrance to the state senate chamber.  The one behind us looked just the same, although it was for the house.
 We went into the reception room where they have fancy parties.  The pair of chandeliers in this room cost as much as the whole capitol building!  Wow!

 The only gold in the capitol building is found in the gold thread which make the state seal in these curtains.

 Chris was showing us pictures that could be seen in the marble.
 Mom caught me yawning!
 After the reception room, we got to sit in the gallery to see the house of representatives.  They come back to work tomorrow.
 The representatives work down there.  The senate looks the same.
On our way out, Mom took a picture of me by the big chandelier that hangs from the center of the rotunda, above the seal.  After this we had lunch and went to see the Justice building.
We got to go inside, but not in the courtroom.  Court was in session.  It was a fun field tip!