Sunday, May 31, 2015


I finally started geo caching with my parents this weekend.  My Dad downloaded the app so that we can now start finding all the caches in our area, and in new places we go.  I got introduced to geo caching by Andrea, Andy & Elliot on our school trip to Leavenworth and have decided to pick it up as a hobby this summer.  Geo caching is like treasure hunting, except the treasure is a water tight box or container that holds a piece of paper, and possibly other stuff.  
 Our first location today was in a park just west of Highline Community College.  We are checking Dad's phone for the coordinates of the cache.
 I think we should walk this way.....
 It's pretty here, but a little wild.  The plants are trying to take the paths back.
 Huh...we are close.
 Dad found this one.  It was hard because it was small.  This plastic tube contains the paper that you write your names on.
 I wrote down all three of us, plus the date.
I found another one in a parking lot down at South Center, how funny.   Geo caching is fun.  It gets us all out of the house searching for something.