Sunday, April 19, 2015

Meeting Sophie

On Friday, I got to meet my newest cousin, Sophie!  Fortunately, she wasn't a baby.
In the morning, Mom and I picked up Sophie, Uncle Colin, and Aunt Lori from downtown Seattle.  At first, I was shy, but I ended up liking her a lot.  
 We took Lori to Salt Water State Park.  Dad helped us to make a bridge over the creek to make it across to the other side.
Sophie introduced us to Pusheen the cat.
 I gave Sophie and I a challenge to built Pusheen the Cat out of Legos.  It was hard but we did it.
Once we were done, we showed it to our parents.
There's me and Sophie, proud of our work.
Mom made Sophie a Pusheen T-shirt.  I really liked Sophie, I want to see her again sometime soon.