Sunday, April 19, 2015

Over the Mountains-Day 1

Mom and I woke up at 4:30 in the morning.  We needed to be at the Wenatchee River Institute by 9:00 am in Leavenworth, Washington, where we were meeting the rest of our class.  Mom packed the car and we were on the road at 6:15 and we got stuck in rush hour traffic.  Finally, when we made it to Snoqualmie Pass on I-90, it was snowing!!!!!!  We made it to the Institute, but we were 10 minutes late!

 This was "the Barn", a really awesome classroom to study nature.
 This was the original house on the property which now has offices and other services.

 It was a beautiful morning.  It started off cold, and warmed up.  Unfortunately, there were 30-40 mph wind gust through out the whole day.  The wind sounded like a loud train.
 We started off the morning by breaking into two groups and talking about our surroundings.

 We went down to the Wenatchee River.  This would be an awesome beach in the summer!!!!
 I love it now!!!!!
 Time for learning.  We learned about abiotic, biotic, and man made(the word started with a C though).
 We then went into the barn to learn about birds, because we were going to watch birds this afternoon.  I got a duck and was able to identifiy it as a Wood Duck from the bird book.
 Tazmin and Andy got song birds.  We did spend more time talking about the web of life and the balance of predators and prey.  Unfortunately, those 30-40 mph wind gusts made it really hard to go bird watching since they were all being blown away!
 We then went to our cabins at the Icicle fine arts center next to the Sleeping Lady.
 Then to a visit to downtown Leavenworth.  Mom loves this place.  I liked it too.

 Tazmin, Elliot, Andy and I found a fountain.
 After this, we had dinner at South, a funky, Mexican restaurant.
 Back at the cabins, we played on the rock out side.  It was huge.
 We went to bed by 8:30, but Mom and I had a terrible night.  We wer up and out by 5:30 am, headed to the Leavenworth Starbucks.