Monday, September 10, 2012


My first day of official school started today.  I am enrolled at a co-op elementary school called the Bridge School.  I was really excited when we first got there.
It was crowded once inside.  I started making myself busy.  I got lucky, Mom had to work this morning.  Mom read several books to some girls, while I sat with some friends.
I still do not know everyone at the Bridge School and I became a little shy.
I was doing well until circle time and then I became needy and asked my Mom to sit behind me.
We played we had a chance to introduce ourselves and play games.

I liked some of the games.
I became needy at recess.  I didn't want to play with anyone. That wall to the left is the side of the school.  Soon, they will cut more windows and doors on that side.  Presently, the play ground is a parking lot, but, that will change too.
I did get in some more building time.  Half of my snack went missing and I got a little grumpy.  We had story time and an art project, neither of which I found very interesting.  We finished the day at Marvista Park.  I did have fun there.  I was glad that I was only doing half day kindergarten-other kids my class were doing full.  I don't think I want to go back tomorrow.  Mom tells me it will get easier.  I am not so sure....