Sunday, September 9, 2012

Arts-A-Glow 2012

This is the lantern festival that is held in Burien every year in September.  Last year, we came too early and missed out on the darkness and the lanterns.  This year, I think we arrived a little too late.

Center Stage in the forest, they had a giant paper chandelier that looked like a jelly fish or umbrella with rain.  This is where the performance at the end of the evening happens (I have never been able to last that long.).  There is always soothing music down here.  Last year, it was a harp.

The origami lanterns were cool.
There was even a giant lantern that I could go into.....
This was the glowing mega blocks truck.  Dad spoke with the owner-they had taken this vehicle to Burning Man.  I got to climb up to the top, and fortunately, I did not fall off.
There was a lantern processional-but the music was too loud.  I was tired after karate and wanted to go home.
Aren't we leaving?  Why are you still taking pictures?
Good night!