Sunday, September 9, 2012

Karate Test

After being in karate since May, I got to test for my first belt-Tiny Tiger Belt #1!  I tested with five other older kids (6 & 7).  The test lasted for over an hour.  I was tired when it ended.

 Sensei started us with exercises.  We had to run around the dojo.
And do punches.  I am on the far right.
We worked on our form....
We had to sit and listen too.
We had to get our gear on for sparring.
I practiced my punches as I watched the other kids.
We had to jump.  Look how high I can go!
We all got to work with Sensei.
Sensei ended up telling positive things about each of us.  He will have my new belt waiting for me when I come to class Tuesday.  I can't wait!