Thursday, November 1, 2012

Creeper at the Bridge School

On October 30th, we got to wear our costume to school.  I was excited.  Mom made me two this year.  I changed my mind mid October and presented my case well that Mom did it!  Mom grumbled something about the original costume will be used in the 2012 Christmas Card.
What am I?  A Mine Craft Creeper!  I was introduced to this game by my new idol, Raul, an eleven year old in California.  A lot of boys my age do not play it, but older boys do.  A Creeper is an exploding monster. Everything in the Mine Craft world is a pixilated cube.
I have a hard time seeing out of my mask.
Mom took a picture without my mask.
At school, I was welcomed by Darth.  Ahh, this mask is driving me crazy!  This is the first Halloween that I have allowed my face to be covered.
There were lots of ninjas at school.
I wore my mask through Circle Time and
even through literacy center!