Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Portland Zoo

If you have followed my blog for the last couple of years, you would know that Zoo's spell trouble for me.  In the past, I have done two nasty face plants at the Salt Lake City Zoo, and the Tacoma Zoo...Nothing actually happened at the Portland Zoo, it happened much later.....
It started out well, a nice  cool Monday.  Mom, Dad and I went to meet their friends from Sweden, Magnus & Maia and their daughters, Elsa & Scarlette.
I found plenty of things to climb.

We got to feed the birds...
I got the camera-Here are Elsa & Scarlette.
There's most of dad, mom, Magnus, Maia, Elsa, & Scarlette.
Here we are having one last drink before we say goodbye.  We spent 3-1/2 hours running around the zoo.  I had a good time, but I was tired and ready to go to our hotel and have a rest.  Too bad Elsa and Scarlette live so far away.