Monday, July 2, 2012

Getting ready for my first performance

This picture was taken by Veta's Mom.  I told her that I looked like I was going to get married........This is in the little kid's green room/dressing room.  We had to wait here until we were called for photos.
Mom said that I was going to get my pictures professionally taken-more smile!
More eyes!  Parents sure are picky!
I got bored so I started goofing off with my fellow crabs.

We were FINALLY called in for pictures.
We had to wait for some other ballerina's to move out.
We had individual portraits and then a group photo.
Then we moved into the theatre and did our dance.  Unfortunately we stayed in the theatre for over 2 hours.
This is my group lining up for curtain call.  I came out weeping.  I was so tired and hungry and I didn't know any grown ups (Miss Hightower was out of town.)  The good news was, my parents got it right on the night of the performance (Dad was backstage), so I had a good time and no tears.