Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Road Trip!

The Mover's came to my grandparents's house on a really hot day.  (It got to 108 degrees).  It was exciting to see the big truck and the movers.
When the packing was all done and the house clean.  Grandma, Mom and I drove to see some really old friends of my mother's in Chico.  They had a pool and a ten year old son, Raul, that was so much fun!
The next morning, we drove to Ashland, Oregon.  
We had lunch the the creek.  I ordered a cheese quesadilla.  Unfortunately, it came on a bright red tortilla.  I do not eat bright red tortillas.  They did not have normal colored ones.  Alas....
We did enjoy walking around Ashland and I got some more Marble Works to add to my existing set.
Oregon got a little too long.  I fell asleep playing my Nintendo.  Look, I am still holding it, even though Mom put it away.   After a stop at the University of Oregon Bookstore and a night in Portland.  We got home Saturday before lunch.
I am glad to be back in the cool Seattle summer weather.  I told Mom. that I did not want to go on another road trip.