Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Kid's Fest in Burien

The city of Burien  (Burien is about 15 minutes north of us) had a kid's festival two Saturday's ago.  My old friend Sabrina was spending the day with us, so Mom decided that we should go.... 

 There were lots of booths
 I really liked this robot (made by teenagers)-you could give/receive a box from it.

 There was also this T-rex that almost got me!!
Sabrina made a long jump!
We tried twirling plastic plates on sticks...
We both broke boards at a Tai Kwon Doe place.  Sabrina does karate and I do hapkido.
The parks department was taking a survey from children about what kind of park they would want to play in.  Sabrina and I both picked the Urban Park.  It looked like it would be the most fun.
Later that same day, we went to a bamboo nursery.  My folks are thinking of planting some in the front yard.