Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Visit to Paradise

 On July 11th, my parents and I drove out to Mt. Rainier National Park.  The Park is only 2 hrs from our home.  We have visited this park several times over my life, but this is the first time that we have spent the night!
We drove up to Paradise on the south side of the mountain.  We had a quick lunch and then walked the paved trails up the mountain.
There was a lot of snow on the trails.  All of our shoes got really wet.
My parents and I passed a lot of mountain climbers coming down from summiting the top.  The air was thin, but it was the perfect day.
We saw alpine chipmunks and two marmots!  Not to mention, Mt. St. Helen's and Mt. Adams.
It was definitely easier coming down to the visitor center.  After our hike, we checked into the the Historic Paradise Inn.  We had dinner in the dining room and enjoyed the quietness that the evening brought, since most of the day hikers had left.