Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Finding a new martial art

September was a hard month for me.  I got a really bad cold, and then in turned into strep throat.  I ended up missing 4 days of school.  My dojo closed down in Kent suddenly, leaving me to find a new martial art to learn.  With the help of my parents, and my friend Sabrina, we were able to visit and try several other dojos and their style of martial arts.  We tried another Goju school, but it was a little too far away in West Seattle.  We tried taekwondoe, and hapkido.  Fortunately, we found a school, that I and my parents both REALLY liked.  
 I chose Kwon Moo Hapkido, located in Burien  It's a very practical art: punching, kicking, getting  out of arm grabs, rolling, and sparring.  No forms.
 I had to go back to white belt, but Master Kim says that with my experience, that I should be able to advance up soon.  We also wear Judo gi's, they are more durable than the traditional gi's.
 Grand Master Kim (8th level black belt) spent a lot of time with  me, teaching me to breack out of wrist grabs.  I like him, he is very friendly.

 I leave class tired and happy.  Also there was time for me to practice my shoulder rolling.  I am really glad we found this place.