Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wild Waves

My friend Vaugn invited Mom and myself to join him, and his mother, Andrea, at Wild Waves today.  I have recently been curious about this place, and today, I got to check it out.

Andrea, Vaugn and I had to wait by the front gate while Mom searched out the manager to get my sack lunch approved.  Fortunately, she found the manager ASAP and explained my food allergies.  My lunch got to go through the front gate.  Yeah!  I get to eat when I am hungry.
Our Mom's decided to do the dry rides first and the wet rides after lunch.
 This jeep was our second ride.  Vaugn said that they were SLOW.  I still had fun.  Our first ride was the Wrangler.  That was fast.
 After that, we walked through the remnants of "The Enchanted Forest".  Nothing very enchanting....
 I could not pull the sword from the stone, so I am not the King of England.  I gave it a good try though.
 Vaugn said that the Paratrooper ride was fun. I got to see it in action and decided that it was too exciting.  I watched instead.

 It was fun to watch Vaugn & Andrea.  Next- the very tame train ride......
 And then the Red Baron.  We shared a plane.
Our Moms' tried to get us to go on a roller coaster- NO WAY!
This thing was next, then the tea cups......
After this, we had lunch and spent time in the water park.  I enjoyed the water slides....
We got home too late to go to karate, but we had so much fun.