Monday, October 7, 2013

Brick Con 2013

For some reason, we did not attend this event last year...but I was happy to go again.  Mom, Dad, and I left our house early Sunday morning.  We found street parking and walked over to Exhibition Hall in Seattle Center.  There were hardly any lines!  We strolled right in to see the magic.

 I found some Minecraft characters: the cow, pig and the zombie.  Nice!

There were lots of "Lord of the Rings"scenes.  Fortunately, I am familiar with the story because Mom and I have played the Lego Xbox game.  The first scene was "Helm's Deep".

Then there was Hobbiton.....

I got really good at squeezing through people to see things.  There was also "Rivendell"

The detail was amazing!
Seattle icons.
My parents found this funny.  It was a Lady Gaga concert.  The dancers and Lady G on stage all moved.  It was very clever.
Mom remembered this builder, Alice Finch, from two years ago.  She started building Hogwart's School.  She had really added to the original school.  Her level of detail was incredible.

Mom was happy to see some impressive scenes built by women.  Here is another...a monastery built in the Himalayas.

The lady above, Anu, built this !  Wow!
Buy this time, the $20 of spending money that I had was burning a hole in my pocket and wanted to go to the Lego market place.