Friday, January 27, 2012

State of Emergency?

Ok-it's been a week since this has happened.  Our snow turned into frozen rain and covered everything!  Trees started to bend over, roads were ice rinks and power cables were snapping all over the place!  We were lucky, we only lost power for little over a day.  We spent the night with my Grandparents because even thought they live close, they are on a different power grid.
Here are some bushes bending away from the house!
We came home for a couple of hours-the house was 49 degrees.  Mom heated water on the BBQ for tea.  Fortunately the power came back on late afternoon.
The dogs were wearing their sweaters indoors and snuggling up in their beds.  Unfortunately, about 4 days later we had a wind storm that brought 50-60mph winds off the Sound.  We lost power at 11:30pm but the power company had it back on after several hours.  Fortunately the weather has been really calm the last couple of days.