Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012-Off to a good start!

After the Christmas break, I was happy to go back to school and see my friends.  One of them, Malisa, had her 5th birthday and invited everyone from school.  It was at a Thai Restaurant and her mother, did all of the Thai cooking.  It was fabulous.
Not a great picture of me-but my classmates are sitting at the bar, watching PBS and drinking juice.
We even got to play on the stage!
We had a good time playing with balloons.  There's Olivia, she's also in my dance class.
There's Malisa.  We are singing Happy Birthday!  I am looking kind of sweaty.
I got this great cup cake.  I licked off the frosting.  It was a fun party.  Cousin Maddox turns One later this month-so that should be fun too.