Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jack Frost

Here it is, Christmas card 2012.   Around Thanksgiving we shoot our Christmas card photograph.  Mom has been planning it for awhile.
I usually enjoy the photo shoots.  They are no more than 10 minutes.  Here are some other pictures from the session:
We tried several snowflakes...but my mouth looks funny.
Over exposed, crown cut off!
I forgot to put my hand up!
No!  Look at the snowflake not the camera!
It was fun.  Mom is already thinking of next year.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Improving my fine motor skills

Mom went to Parent teacher conferences.  I'm doing fine, except I need to work on my fine motor skills.  All of a sudden projects started popping up at home.  I do like gingerbread houses.....This year, I was the art director.  We did it all my way.

Mom did all the squeezing of the frosting, while I placed the candy.
There's the front.
We went to Jo Ann's to look at all the kid's craft projects.  Mom showed me Perler Beads.  You buy different color beads and place them on a heat resistant grid.  When your design is done, you have your Mom iron it and it all sticks together!!!!
This grid, fits over our iPad.  We can make designs on the iPad and grid them out with beads.  We've made Creepers, snowflakes, a Totoro.  We try and do a little every day.
I do enjoy the flexibility of these beads.  I can make anything!

Thanksgiving 2012

We had a nice Blacksher-David Thanksgiving.   I was excited to see cousin Maddox.
We ran around and we danced.  He is finally a ton of fun!
Tha tha and Grandma Judy were there.  They provided the venue and the Turkey.
Poppa, Grandma Jeanie, Uncle Patrick, Aunt Megan, and Mom brought the rest.
I'm so glad Thanksgiving is over-now we can start thinking about Christmas!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pumpkin Smashing

At the close of every big holiday, there is always something to smash.  Our pumpkins started molding soon after Halloween.  Dad and I took them out to the back yard for total destruction.   I am over baseball bats, so we decided to use a ladder and a concrete block.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick-or-Treating 2012

Dad, Poppa and I hit the neighborhood streets for about 40 minutes.  Then I came home, and handed out candy.  People liked my costume.

Giving out candy at All Points Yarn

Morgan, Mom's friend, and owner of the Des Moines, WA yarn shop, asked me if I would like to hand out candy on Halloween.  Local businesses did this from 3-5pm on Halloween.  I was only too happy to do so.  I love handing out candy!  Here I am looking for kids.  Fortunately, the rain was stopping.
A satisfied customer.
Grandma Judy and Jan from Mom's knit group were there.
More trick-or-treaters.
There were a lot of  kids.  I had fun.

Mt. Rainier Pool

I started taking Swim Lessons in late August.  I have been very reluctant about swimming.
My teacher is great!  Her name is Shawna.  She has done a lot to establish trust-and you need to be able to trust your swimming teacher.  I used to dread swimming, now, I really enjoy going.
I have to get over getting my face wet.  I am working on this.
I am great with the kick board!
I now love jumping in the pool!
And I do enjoy the hot shower at the end.

Creeper at the Bridge School

On October 30th, we got to wear our costume to school.  I was excited.  Mom made me two this year.  I changed my mind mid October and presented my case well that Mom did it!  Mom grumbled something about the original costume will be used in the 2012 Christmas Card.
What am I?  A Mine Craft Creeper!  I was introduced to this game by my new idol, Raul, an eleven year old in California.  A lot of boys my age do not play it, but older boys do.  A Creeper is an exploding monster. Everything in the Mine Craft world is a pixilated cube.
I have a hard time seeing out of my mask.
Mom took a picture without my mask.
At school, I was welcomed by Darth.  Ahh, this mask is driving me crazy!  This is the first Halloween that I have allowed my face to be covered.
There were lots of ninjas at school.
I wore my mask through Circle Time and
even through literacy center!

Monday, September 10, 2012


My first day of official school started today.  I am enrolled at a co-op elementary school called the Bridge School.  I was really excited when we first got there.
It was crowded once inside.  I started making myself busy.  I got lucky, Mom had to work this morning.  Mom read several books to some girls, while I sat with some friends.
I still do not know everyone at the Bridge School and I became a little shy.
I was doing well until circle time and then I became needy and asked my Mom to sit behind me.
We played we had a chance to introduce ourselves and play games.

I liked some of the games.
I became needy at recess.  I didn't want to play with anyone. That wall to the left is the side of the school.  Soon, they will cut more windows and doors on that side.  Presently, the play ground is a parking lot, but, that will change too.
I did get in some more building time.  Half of my snack went missing and I got a little grumpy.  We had story time and an art project, neither of which I found very interesting.  We finished the day at Marvista Park.  I did have fun there.  I was glad that I was only doing half day kindergarten-other kids my class were doing full.  I don't think I want to go back tomorrow.  Mom tells me it will get easier.  I am not so sure....

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Arts-A-Glow 2012

This is the lantern festival that is held in Burien every year in September.  Last year, we came too early and missed out on the darkness and the lanterns.  This year, I think we arrived a little too late.

Center Stage in the forest, they had a giant paper chandelier that looked like a jelly fish or umbrella with rain.  This is where the performance at the end of the evening happens (I have never been able to last that long.).  There is always soothing music down here.  Last year, it was a harp.

The origami lanterns were cool.
There was even a giant lantern that I could go into.....
This was the glowing mega blocks truck.  Dad spoke with the owner-they had taken this vehicle to Burning Man.  I got to climb up to the top, and fortunately, I did not fall off.
There was a lantern processional-but the music was too loud.  I was tired after karate and wanted to go home.
Aren't we leaving?  Why are you still taking pictures?
Good night!