Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Starting Pre-K at Darcy Read Co-op

 September 13th was the first day of school.  The 4's class takes place in the the afternoon instead of the morning.
  I wore my school shirt and my new skull hat....
It's me, don't be afraid!
I was very industrious before school and churned out 13 sheets of turkeys.  Mom's still waiting for me to finish them.  We have faces, legs, and glitter to add.
It felt just like last year, with a few new kids and the classroom was hot.  (Southern exposure and bad insulation-like most Pacific NW buildings)
Teacher Shannon is our new Pre-K teacher.  She was going over the rules.  This year we have to raise our hand if we have something to say.
She had my attention.
I really enjoy the last part of class where we can run around and play.
We even got to play out in the hall!