Thursday, March 24, 2011

The March Blahs....

March has been really, wet, cool and windy.  Not to mention both of parents got ill and had to go on antibiotics...they are better, but they could have been more fun.  I got the same thing but only for two days and it was gone.  Theirs lingered on......

Grandma Judy came for a visit, but it wasn't much fun for her.
Mom managed to finish this sweater for me.  I picked out the yarn.  I would like a rainbow version of this.  It's like a sweatshirt jacket.
Here is another shot of it.  I am really good at being on the computer.  I am playing "Club Penguin" this morning.

I am still enjoying my basic dance class Tuesday mornings.  Mom signed me up for a combination Tap & Ballet in April.  I am really looking forward to doing Tap-it's so loud!