Saturday, October 16, 2010

Redondo Beach, WA

This Saturday, I hung out with Nobu at Redondo Beach.  My grandparents like to bring me here from time to time.  This beach has the 3rd largest aquarium in Washington State.  
 Nobu and I got to feed the starfish.  Mom thought they were spooky but that didn't stop me from giving them pieces of fish.  We feed those big orange ones.
 When I was done, I pulled y sleeves down.  It was really cold this morning, but things were starting to warm up.
 I like this place.  Nobu was looking in the binoculars at something.
 It was high tide so there was barely any beach.  Lots of scuba divers tough.  I threw rocks.

 Both Nobu & I played on the beach.  What you don't see is that a bald eagle flew up behind us, caught a fish in the water and then flew back toward Salt Water State Park.  Mom was cursing because she forgot which pocket she put in her camera.  Anyway, it was an amazing sight.

We had a good morning and then we went to McDonald's were we ate lunch and played in the kid's habitrail.  Mom and Nobu's mo were laughing, because all that is missing is a water bottle and a wheel.