Wednesday, July 14, 2010

All about EVE

I really love robots.  Wall-e is one of my favorite movies ( I only have 3: Cars, Wall-e, & Ponyo)  My favorite favorite robot is EVE.  I like to pretend that I am EVE and I make my parents and grandparents call me EVE.  What I like about EVE is that she has a sleek, yet powerful gun that can blow things up. Eve is a search robot that can protect herself.   Wall-e is a glorified trash compactor.  MO-is a cleaner robot.  Who would you want to be?  My parents are Wall-e and MO.
Sometimes I like to mess with Mom when she takes my picture.  She wants me to show you the EVE shirt she made me.  When she went to the Disney store, all the EVE stuff was for girls, so she made me something more manly.
I made sure that she made me a shirt with EVE and her gun-it's that little black thing.
Vivien, Kaden's Mom, gave me this really cool EVE for learning how to get potty trained.  That's going well by the way-I pee two to four times a day in my potty.