Saturday, July 10, 2010

4th of July!

The fourth of July was cold cold cold!  Fortunately it only sprinkled-it rained in Seattle!  We had some people over, BUT before the party I took a bath with Lily & Una.
I think I enjoyed it more than they did.
I had a lot of friends come over before the fireworks.  We started out inside but it got a little crowded. 

Fortunately, we ended up outside even though it was cool for July.  We ran around and made a lot of bubbles.
My parents have a lot of work to do on the yard, but we all had fun for several hours.  Finally, when the sun set, Brian (an adult) gave us sparklers.
I wasn't sure if I liked it or not.  Fortunately I did not get burned,  My folks were surprised that I held onto it for as long as I did.  I had a good holiday, one of these times I will go see the real fireworks.