Sunday, December 31, 2017

Last week of 2018

 Mom finished all her "Who hats"  for The Seussical.  I modeled them all for her since she will be delivering them to The Bridge School next week. (It's a Bridge School play).

Christmas was small, and quiet.  Aunt Megan, Uncle Patrick, cousin Maddox and my local grandpa came over.  It actually snowed on Christmas Eve and we had a white Christmas for two days.  

Dad and I got out and played in the snow.  We threw snowballs at the noisy dog next door-he ended up really liking the game!
We sparred at Hapkido-I'm in the red helmet, throwing a punch at Vu.
Una wore the ridiculous fun fur sweater!
And I got to jump in a stack of stuffed dogs at Ikea.  I am looking forward to 2018!

Saturday, December 30, 2017


It has been quite awhile since I have taken a dance class.  The last one was ballet when I was 6.  I started taking musical theatre dance this fall.  Here I am doing a choreography from "Hairspray".
I really enjoy learning choreography. I plan on doing this through the whole school year.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Upcoming Suessical

I will be playing part of the Who Chorus for the Bridge School's musical in January of 2018.  Mom is making all of the costumes.
 This will be my wig.  
 This wig is Marlee's-also in the Who Chorus.
Sabrina is helping me model Mr. Mayor's wig and Mrs. Mayor's wig.

Uncle Colin, Aunt Lori, and Cousin Sophie came for a quick pre-christmas visit to Seattle.  We decided to use the Who wigs to remember the moment.

Making of the 2017 Christmas Card

My mom loves to make a "photo-shopped" Christmas card every year.  She makes costumes for them.  This year, I had the idea of Peter, Susan and Lucy meeting Father Christmas in Narnia from the book: "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe".  We asked the Armstrong sisters (Lily & Charlotte) from next door to play my "sisters", and they said yes!  Dad dressed up as Father Christmas.
This card was harder because four people had to fit into it and the landscape of "spring thaw" was important.  The landscape ended up being this perfect painting on the internet.  Father Christmas gives the children weapons (and a healing potion) for the upcoming battle with the White Witch.
 We took pictures the day before Thanksgiving.  It was unusually HOT.  It ended up being 69 degrees and all of us were over dressed.
We tried several positions,
but this was the winner.
It was a good photo shoot.  The only bad thing was Una, our dog, got out and was missing close to an hour.  Fortunately, Malinda (Lily & Charlotte's Mom), Mom, and myself found Una down the street under a car.
That's Una.  She is opportunistic in her wandering.
Mom also made and designed my fair isle sweater vest.  She plans to publish the pattern in 2018, when she is done designing and making costumes for the Seussical.

Kent Mountain View Academy's first elementary concert

 My school hired a music teacher this past fall, so we  had a Holiday Concert on December 14th.  Here I am with my good friend Seth.  My school has a little gymnasium, so it was crowed with students and parents.
 You can see me right in the middle.  I sang the only solo in the concert.  I wasn't afraid because I have been doing Improvisation for almost a year and a half and have been in one theater production-my second one will be Seussical in January of 2018.
 Dad took a close up.
We also played guitars.  Unfortunately, I am not very good.  I am being taught how to play one like a right-handed person.  That might be the problem...
Sabrina was there too. I really enjoyed being in the spotlight.

End of Solo at Holiday concert