Friday, February 24, 2017

Crystal Mountain Again

I have a whole week off for Mid-Winter Break and Mom took me skiing today!  We went back, just the two of us, so Mom could focus just on me.  I like to ski slow and controlled.  We got there early, so I had some tea and Mom a coffee.
At 9:00 am when the chairlifts opened, we got out there.

 The scenery is amazing!  Nothing like the Cascades for some awesome views.

 We skied until one o'clock, and I was tired.  We stopped because Mom wanted to end our afternoon on a high note.  Once we turned in our equipment, we rode the Gondola up to the top of the mountain.  I was excited to ride in one of these things.
 Unfortunately, Mount Rainier is right behind me.  The cloud is covering it.
 Mom and I took a selfie.

 We rode the gondola back down.

 I cannot ski these slopes yet, but maybe someday.