Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Gingerbread Hogwarts at the downtown Sheraton

This morning, Mom drove Sabrina and I downtown Seattle to see the gingerbread exhibit.  I went there once in 2014 with Uncle Colin, Tha-tha, Dad and Mom.  This year, 2016, the theme was Harry Potter.  It was fun going into the city, although according to Sabrina: "It smells funny".
 At the beginning (or end) of the exhibit was a Harry Potter tree.  Sabrina and I jumped out of line to take this picture.
 The line was pretty long.  We had to wait about an hour and a half.  Sabrina & I got s little antsy, but we managed.  
 We were finally getting close to all these amazing creations.  All made of candy, gingerbread and crackers.

 The amount of detail was amazing.  I could recognize characters and scenes.  Sabrina wanted to eat it!

 Mom liked the Night Bus.
 This was the Tri-Wizard cup.  It had a dragon on the base.

 Dumbledore holding his phoenix....
 Mom got this picture of us on the otherside of the exhibit.
 There were 6 gingerbread structures.  All really amazing.
 The top of this piece twirled.  Santa and Rudolph were being chased by Dementors!


 Here is the front of the dragon.  All made out of sugar!!!

 At the end was a snake with a button on his head.  A sign said to press the button to find out what Hogwarts House we were in.  
 It was hard to hear over the noise of all the people.  Sabrina got in Gryffindor and I got into Slytherin!!

 Sabrina liked Hedwig the owl.
We ended at the tree again!  We all decided that it was worth the trip, but sorry we had to wait so long.