Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Leveled up!!!!!!

I was surprised when I when to Hapkido last night, that I was one of three students that received a white belt with a black stripe in it.  Master Aaron presented me with it.  
 I have been at Hapkido for less than two months and have been working hard to learn their techniques.  Grand Master Kim has told me that my 4 years of karate has helped.  The black stripe was not earned through a belt test, but by the black belts that run the class.  The black stripe represents that I am a focused student.
 It was nice that my Dad came to the class and  tied my new belt on.  I look good with a black stripe!
 Hitting the focus pad with Grand Master Kim.
It was a good class, but I have to wait a whole week to go back because of the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Yesterday, I also tried some Lamb Briani at Lana & Sabrina's house.  My Mom was surprised to see me Indian food and took this picture below.  I picked out the lamb, but ate all the rice.