Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Leveled up!!!!!!

I was surprised when I when to Hapkido last night, that I was one of three students that received a white belt with a black stripe in it.  Master Aaron presented me with it.  
 I have been at Hapkido for less than two months and have been working hard to learn their techniques.  Grand Master Kim has told me that my 4 years of karate has helped.  The black stripe was not earned through a belt test, but by the black belts that run the class.  The black stripe represents that I am a focused student.
 It was nice that my Dad came to the class and  tied my new belt on.  I look good with a black stripe!
 Hitting the focus pad with Grand Master Kim.
It was a good class, but I have to wait a whole week to go back because of the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Yesterday, I also tried some Lamb Briani at Lana & Sabrina's house.  My Mom was surprised to see me Indian food and took this picture below.  I picked out the lamb, but ate all the rice.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Pioneer Farm-Eatonville, WA

 I am lucky to still join the Bridge School on field trips, since we don't get out much at KMVA.  On Monday, I went to Pioneer Farm just outside of Eatonville and really close to Mt. Rainier National Park.

Pioneer Farm was like a glimpse into what life was like in Washington State in the 1880's.
Kim, was out hostess and brought us all into the largest log cabin.
There, she demonstrated a lot of chores that children did back then: carding wool, grinding cornmeal, coffee, & wheat.  Kneading dough, washing clothes, cleaning carpets, making buttermilk, shaving, and using a kerosene lamp curling iron.  There were also a few toys.  Kim then let us go to do "chores".
 I chose to cut cabbage....
 Play with toys...
 grind coffee (Kim helped)
make corn meal  and....
clean the carpet.  After all the indoor stuff-Tyler took us out to the barn, blacksmith & wood shop!!!!
Tyler did a demonstration in the blacksmith shop.  We could do everything that he showed us.  Pioneer Village was the land of "YES".
 We were allowed to peat all the animals in the barn (cow, sheep, goat, rabbit, pig, chickens, horse).  I liked petting the pig.
Tyler showed me how to milk the cow.
Afterwards, I went to the wood shop area and tried scraping bark from logs. 
Moves some things in the woodshop...
 When that was over, we got to go on a wagon ride.  It was short, but a lot of fun.
We then went in the one room school house and learned some of their rules in the 1880's.  We then got to tour the last two cabins and then ate lunch.  Oh-all the bathrooms where out houses.
This place was one of the best field trips ever.  Mom asked me what was my favorite thing to do, and I could not pick.  I was nice to miss a regular day of school.  I am looking forward to the next one.