Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Playing with Vaugn

 Today I hung out with Vaugn.  Our Mom's drove us to Fremont (in Seattle) to see the Troll under the Aurora Bridge.  The Troll is holding an actual VW.  I'm wearing the red pants and Vaugn has the grey shirt. 

 This is what the Troll looks at......
 And the city re-named the road Troll Ave. N.  Funny.  After the Troll, we went to The Flying Apron, a vegan, gluten free bakery.  I got a couple of treats for the road.
 Next stop, the play area at Seattle Center.  Vaugn and I played for a whole hour!

 That's us waving from up there!  Next stop lunch!  Then my favorite, the International fountain!  I love this place.
 That's Vaugn and I, front and center.

 After the fountain, we went to the skate park.  I had my scooter, Vaugn had his skate board.
By the time we left, we were all really tired.