Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A puzzle geocache...

Dad informed me that there are several types of geocaches.  Most are:  Go to the coordinates and look around!  Recently we did a puzzle geocache at Landmark On the Sound, which was a retirement home for Masons.  Presently, the location is empty.....
We had to go to several locations on the property to find our next clue...

There was a number on the date on the sun dial...
How many triangular bronze plaques.....my parents were concerned that this plaque was probably stolen...
Another number on the front of the building and we had our coordinates for the geocache!

It took us a little while to find it.  The clue:  "Where post meets Salal" really helped.

There is was tucked away.  Magnets sure helped keeping this cache hidden.  I signed my name and we went home.