Sunday, June 10, 2012

Birthday-the big 5

I turned 5 on June 7th.  I woke up and got to open the present from my parents.  They gave me one smallish box.  I opened it and set it aside and asked if there was more? (They said no)  My Dad asked me if I knew what was in the box.  I told him yes.  "Are you sure?"  He asked.  Dad opened the box to show me a Nintendo DS with a Super Mario game.  Then I really liked it.
"What Mom?  Did you say something?  I was too busy playing Mario to hear you."

My birthday day was miserable weatherwise.  It was cold and rainy.  Mom informed me that I had an appointment at the local beauty salon.  I got my hair trimmed-I still wanted it on the long side.

Poppa and Grandma Jeanie came over int he evening.  They brought me a Marble works which, I also love.