Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Coat & Dance Class

I got a new coat for winter in the Pacific NW.  It's one of my favorite colors. 
My favorite colors are: Purple, Pink, Black, & White.  Mom had to find this coat from an English Company because American boy stuff is pretty bland.  Mother looked at my new wardrobe (moved up to size 5 in all things) as was astounded by the variety of browns, greys, muted greens, and navy.  Where are the oranges, reds, purples, and greens?
The dog park is muted too.  Mt. Rainier is straight ahead-but too busy being covered by the grey.
I still go to dance class every Thursday evening.
I get really excited waiting to go in my room!
I got my friend Olivia from school to join.  I think that she has a good time in dance too.
Once in the classroom-we are supposed to stretch and not run around.
Sometimes I don't listen....but most of the time I do.