Friday, November 18, 2011

Lord of the Dance

Ok, NOT Lord, just the only boy.  I still really enjoy dance class.  Last night parents were allowed into the dance studio to observe the class.  It was Grandma Jeanie's birthday and she came to see what I was up too.  Fortunately, Grandma brought the camera, because Mom forgot!
We  start out by stretching.  Then we get into a circle and play the Name Game.  Everyone says their name while doing a dance move.  We had two visiting girls from the Saturday dance class.
Then we reviewed some dance moves.
Check out my arabesque!
I end up on the floor a lot.  The girls seem to stay on their feet.
I like this part, we get scarves and dance to the music.

Now it's time for tap.
We practice moving across the floor.
We make a ton of noise!  The classroom got really warm.  I am glad the adults will be out of the class when we start up again in early December.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Coat & Dance Class

I got a new coat for winter in the Pacific NW.  It's one of my favorite colors. 
My favorite colors are: Purple, Pink, Black, & White.  Mom had to find this coat from an English Company because American boy stuff is pretty bland.  Mother looked at my new wardrobe (moved up to size 5 in all things) as was astounded by the variety of browns, greys, muted greens, and navy.  Where are the oranges, reds, purples, and greens?
The dog park is muted too.  Mt. Rainier is straight ahead-but too busy being covered by the grey.
I still go to dance class every Thursday evening.
I get really excited waiting to go in my room!
I got my friend Olivia from school to join.  I think that she has a good time in dance too.
Once in the classroom-we are supposed to stretch and not run around.
Sometimes I don't listen....but most of the time I do.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Saturday my parents took me to another carnival  close to home.  We had to exit through a haunted corridor.  I grabbed onto Dad and held on.
I was so scared.  It was dark-Mom's flash makes it look like it was well lit.
I was so glad when we got through.  It was a scary hospital theme with twitching teenagers pretending to be bodies or scary things.  I was fine once we made it outside.
Here I am ready to go Trick-or-Treating with Dad.  I went for about 45 minutes and had a good time.  I remembered my manners and always said "thank you" when I got some candy.