Monday, May 16, 2011

Seattle Aquarium

 It was a rainy Sunday, so my parents and I decided to go to the Seattle Aquarium.  Mom said that the last time I was here, that I was a fetus.  We walked under the Viaduct to try and stay dry.  Of course, if we had another 6.8 earthquake, it would collapse and crush us.  We took our chances.
There was this really active fountain outside of the Aquarium.  I like waterfalls, so Dad and I went to check it out.
Mom noticed a cruise ship (that big white thing) was parked nearby.
When we first entered, there was a giant waterwall.  For some reason, I would not get close to it.
I did get close to the tide pools.
and the coral reefs.

I liked the otters and the seals.  I really wanted to see a shark, but they only had tiny one's  Mom told me that we are going to the Tacoma Zoo soon-they have some sharks.