Monday, May 30, 2011

School Field Trip to Point Defiance Zoo

Mom and I went back to the Tacoma Zoo, this is one of two zoos that I have done face plants and got checked for a concussion back when I was young.  Those were the days when I ran around like I was drunk.  Now I am much more coordinated.  This field trip started with a light western Washington rain that continued to get heavier and heavier....
I played briefly in the play area.
Smiled in front of the bamboo.  The weather was getting worse.  All the little animals were snug in their beds and not out in the exhibits.

Me in front of the tiger exhibits-no tigers.
I did enjoy the otters.  After an hour and a half of rain-even eating my ice cream out in it, I asked Mom if we could go home.  So we drove back.