Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting in shape.

I think I love Spiderman!

This morning I rebelled against PBS.  I asked Mom to watch something else.  She found Spiderman.  I remembered that I had a Spiderman costume in my closet......

I even wore the hood covering my face!  I plan on wearing this to school this morning.

Snow Day!

This past week was winter break.  It snowed Wednesday night so we woke up to about 4 inches on Thursday.   Mom, Dad (worked from home), and I stayed home all day.  The snow did melt off the roads in the afternoon.
Dad and I exchanged snowballs.
I tried eating some snow.
And I got to destroy the snow man.
My friend Josh had his 4th birthday.  These were the cakes.
I had a good time running around.
I got to sword fight with my friends.

Learning to write on the iPad

Dad bought an iPad this weekend.  My parents are making me practice my letters with this ABC application. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dance not my thing.

I was really bad so my parents put me in the dog box.....NO!  I asked if I could go in and they both said that I probably wouldn't fit!
I showed them.  They were both surprised.
I started a pre-dance class at the Burien Community Center today.  I had a blast!  There was one other boy, but he was really shy and dropped out.  So it was myself and four ladies.  That's me running in back there.
The class is about following instruction and moving.  We started out stretching.  Mom had to wait on the other side of the doors.  I was very gregarious.
I loved the mirror wall-HELLO HANDSOME!  What are you doing.  I must have left a ton of fingerprints on this mirror.  I had a really good time. Mom is thinking about signing me up for the Tap/Ballet class next.  She thinks that I will love the loudness of tap shoes.


Running is NOT dancing!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Meerkat mayhem

This is from back in late January when I went to the Salt Lake City Zoo with Grandma Judy & Mom. I really enjoy watching the meerkats.

Gingerbread Tree devastation!

The tree met it's end too!

Gingerbread House devastation!

I was inspired by my friend Elsa, in Sweden, to demolish my house & tree.  I just kept forgetting that that great experience was waiting for me.  Actually, Dad was waiting for a non rainy day.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pacific Science Center

Mom, Linda, Nobu, & I went to the Science Center today.  There was a planetarium show for 4's and under.  It was fun to sit in the dark for 15 minutes looking at the stars.
Afterwards, we looked at dinosaurs-I'm not really into them.  Nobu liked them.
We played with water for a little bit, but this play center was really for smaller kids.

Nobu & I loved rolling balls on this thing.  Sorry the shot is so dark.
We walked past the space needle to get lunch.
After lunch we went back to the science center to the bug section.
We went to the butterfly house.  It was hot, so I took off my shirt.  I asked Mom for the camera, here are two pictures that I took:

I liked the ones with blue wings, but I did not get a good picture.  We are coming back!  There's a Star Wars  Exhibit  next month.

Valentine's Day

This is the first year that I was aware of Valentine's day.  I like because I got a lot of pink & red candy.
The simple joy of a lollipop.
Here is my box of valentine's.  I gave out sticker's & tattoos.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm back on the public interwebs!

After several months of having my blog locked up by invitation only, my Mom decided to open it up.  She said that if people do not enjoy the blog that they do not have to read it.  You know who you are.  Otherwise, welcome back faithful fans.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Year of the Rabbit? Try Zombie!

Grandma Judy bought me this book for Valentine's Day.  Grandma Judy and Mom have started making some of them for me.
Mom says that they will make good Christmas ornaments when my interest in them wanes....Mom needs to make at least 6 more.
When I'm not playing zombies, I play with my legos-oh I have a zombie lego mini figure too.
I like to put Batman and Robin on the roof.
A couple of days ago we got ready to go to the dog park and I brought a bowl of Pirate's Booty.  The dogs seemed very interested in what was going on.