Sunday, December 19, 2010

Last Day of School 2010

I have heard from the adults that the last week of school is like the kids are all on sugar highs building up to the hysteria which are "The Holidays".  Mom worked that day and she looked wiped out after the two hours.  I did manage to sit on my bottom for most of circle time.  I am sitting on the letter 'R' between Porter & Lydia.

I played with the Duplo Blocks even though they are for babies.  I feel very mature now that I am officially 3-1/2.  I played with Porter.
We made gingerbread cookies in school.  I had a good time, but I was ready to go home at noon.
Oh hey, Mom designed the new school T-shirt.
Nearby my home is a town home community called "Hudson Ridge".  I know a lot of the little boys that live there and was invited to join in on the Secret Santa.  We had to wait for some late kids.  It was hard.
Santa finally showed up and....
I got my present.
I got a "Go Fishing" Game.  I wondered why Santa walked to the event instead of arriving in his sleigh.  Mom told me he parked it around the corner.......