Sunday, December 5, 2010

I saw Santa!

My friend Kaden went to the mall to get a picture taken with Santa of all people.  I was intrigued.  Mom took me to the mall so that I may have this experience.
As you can tell, my good friend, Kaden is used to getting his picture taken professionally.  Me?  Not so much.
There he is.  The man in red!  Mom asked me if I wanted to get my picture taken with Santa.  I told her: "No".  
I jumped around while the picture was being taken.  Kaden's parents had to be in the Santa picture too because Bianca (Kaden's little sister) kept crying.  It turned out to be a nice picture.
I took this picture while we waited for the Santa portraits to be printed.  I got the whole group.
It was a fun experience, although I would NOT speak to Santa.  I find the man intriguing, yet slightly scary.  Mom did some Christmas shopping for cousins and we went home.