Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Halloween Day started out at 5:30am. I haven't seen Mom look that dazed in a while. There were pockets of fog in the valleys. We noticed this as we drove from Park City to Heber.
Leigh Ann was a scary witch today. Mom wanted to see her.
I love her cat Sunny, but Sunny does not love me.
Leigh Ann Had this really cool haunted house. I found it fascinating.
Mom made me take a 'forced' nap before trick or treating in downtown Park City. I didn't want to wear my costume. I would not come near my purple cape. I didn't want to approach people.
Ok, I do what with this bag?
Alright, I like getting candy. This is more fun than I originally thought. Hey, I saw a gnome, that was so LAST YEAR.
I even got close enough to take the candy.
Main street was packed. Kids, adults and dogs were all in costume.
Oh yeah, Mom got half her hair cut off. She was lame, no costume.
Check out the dog-he's wearing a hat!
Grandma did well too. She was the sherpa instead on Mom, pushing the stroller full of stuff.
This was fun. I lasted an hour and a half.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Party

We had a Halloween Party here today since we are going to be in Utah for the official holiday. Can you guess what I am? A Knight!
Mom dressed up too, but she was so scary I started crying so she had to go wash her face.
Here's my sword!.........oops!
Here is my sword. I also have a cape, but I didn't want to wear it.
When the party started I started eating a constant stream of M & M's. Mom had to put them up high.
These were the babies at the party. Paige, Bianca, & Ben. They didn't do much.
Josh and Kaden came.....
And so did Sabrina and Caleb. It was a good sugar high for all.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's New

Well, this is my Dad, he's not new, but he left this funny picture on the camera......
I got four trucks int he mail yesterday from my cousins Zach & Xander in California. They are all so big and yellow. I got two bulldozers and two backhoe loaders. Thanks guys! They are cool!
I painted at preschool today....
and so did Sabrina. Hey, that's new! Sabrina just joined my school. She fell right in line and participated in most of the activities.
She sat and ate snack, because those are the rules.
Even I sat and ate snack. (Sabrina and I tend to be free spirits when we eat at home.) Oh, that's Koen. Poor kid. People will be misspelling his name his whole life. Koen has a thing for taking his shoes off.
Sabrina and I played on the rocking boat...
and I rang bells during music time off to the side. Sabrina was in the circle. It was a good morning.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

My school had a field trip to a pumpkin patch out in the Cascade foothills. They had plastic cows.....
They also had goats, bunnies,pigs, and a donkey. I really did not like hanging out with the rest of the kids-so Mom and I did our own thing.
They had these water pump things...
and a hay bale playground.
I got to sit on the tractor, but I didn't want to ride on it. I ended up having a meltdown (it was past nap time) and NOT getting any pumpkins. I was so tired, but I did have some fun.

Monday, October 12, 2009

That's Scary

As you know, my parents really like Halloween. They take me to these places....

That's Scary too!


Saturday morning Mom and I frosted Halloween cookies. We baked the cookies the day before.
Mom was still her her pajamas. I am learning how to frost the cookies.
They are pretty good. I even got to put on sprinkles.
This is what it looked like when we were done.
Saturday evening Sabrina celebrated her 2nd birthday. I am lying on a pillow enjoying a lollipop from Sabrina's mom.
That's Sabrina. I didn't hit her because it was her birthday.
Cake!? Oh boy! I got the second piece because I was so excited.
Dad helped me eat it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Almost 20-some Months!

I am finally just two! My mother can no longer remember how many months. This is me earlier this morning. Yup, I am holding Cubbie the Colar (for some reason, I am not getting the P) Bear and NOT my lion. I have been having sleeping problems so I have been staying up late with Mom-last night we watched our first movie together much to her chagrin. We watched "ALASKA" where two teens and their polar bear cub rescue the kid's father who is trapped on an Alaskan mountainside. I WATCHED the whole thing and was entranced by the bear cub, the water falls, and the helicopters. I stayed up past 10 o'clock! Much to my surprise, I had a Cubbie the Colar Bear in my stuffed animal collection from Mom's Cousin Matt. I LOVE this bear. I have spent the day with it so far.
Preschool is going great. I participate in circle time more and more....
I love the puzzles.
and art projects.
I still hang with my old friends, Sabrina, Kaden, & Josh. Sabrina and I still hit each other a lot.
This is me sleeping. I have been really bad about getting a good night sleep.
I went to a birthday party last weekend. They had cool toys to play with. Check out this palm tree sword!
I got a new hair doo in the bouncy thing...
I still love Kaden.
I enjoy sitting on this pink train whenever we go to the local mall.
My parents have been rebuilding our deck. They are hoping to have it done before winter. So a lot of things are going on. I will keep you updated.