Saturday, September 26, 2009

Simple Pleasures

I am learning how to blow bubbles. Shortly after this picture, I spilled all the soap.
Preschool is a lot of fun. This is how I wear my name tag.
When I am not painting (which is a new passion) I am riding horses.
Lydia is the new girl.
Last Wednesday evening we went to the Bouncy Place in the warehouse district of Kent. They had HUGE blow up toys.
I had a good time with Dad, while Mom painted other kid's faces. This was a fund raising event for my school. Kaden, Josh, & Sabrina came too. We all had a really good time.
I am learning how to use the chuck-it at the dog park. I can pick up the ball but I am still working on my throw.
I just retrieved the ball. Una sometimes does not bring it back properly.
This is a rare quiet moment with some of my friends.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I am getting better at peddling. Dad put my trike on a string and helps me go places. I think I am beginning to like this thing.

I also have been introduced to the mini trampoline. I like it.
At school yesterday, teacher Diane talked about apples.
I glued for the first time....
and painted my first picture.
There it is.
I really liked these plastic bears. Mom showed me that they came in three sizes-small, medium, & large.
You can match the pictures with the bears.
I drove with Malisa.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Puyallup Fair

Yesterday, Poppa & Grandma Jeanie took me to the fair. It's like a State Fair. Merry-go-rounds are fun! Even the girl riding behind me was having about just as much fun as I was having.
I did enjoy the John Deere area. They had kid stuff and
Hey! Look at me!
I really liked the baby chicks.
And the horse butts. It was fun to see all the animals.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day & Pre School

It's getting harder to be my photographer because I WANT the camera. My mother is telling me no.
Daddy was working on rebuilding our deck this weekend. He was so tired on Monday we took a nap together. Una, our hel hound (Her eyes are glowing), watched over us.
Today I started pre school. It's a little different from Burien. The space is smaller so stuff cannot stay out, but needs to be put away. Poppa came today too. It started out on a happy note.
I didn't want to dance at circle time-but then, circle time has never been my thing. I just sat on Mom's lap.
Almost half way through I ran for the door. It was locked and I wanted to leave.
Diane, the teacher enticed me back with play dough. It worked!
Making stuff.
Snack time was enjoyable. I am sitting next to Alana. We are both June kids, we know each other from the library.
They had flax seed instead of a water table. It was still fun. We go again tomorrow. Mom's supposed to drop me off, but I do not think that I will be ready for her to leave.

Friday, September 4, 2009

No more crib

My crib got altered into a little bed. I have rolled out of it several times. When my mother remembers, she puts cushions down on the floor. I love my truck blanket and pillow case.

Whenever Mom takes pictures, I try and take the camera away from her. I like to press the buttons. Some how I managed to change the size of the picture to something smaller than what an 8.1 produces. Mom is trying to fix it.
I threw a ball last week into some huge weeds. Una got trapped and covered in hundreds of these peppercorn sized burrs. She had to go and get shaved.
I hang out with Poppa a lot. He likes taking me to the local Garden Center.
They have a REALLY HUGE gong! I am sure that they love it when I hit it too!