Thursday, July 31, 2008


This afternoon, we went to the Park City Mountain Resort. They have a carousel there in the summer.
This was fun too!
Darn, it ended.
While Grandma Judy was shopping I was checking out this handsome devil.
"No, you're good looking!"

Finally, a GOOD Toddler Park

Today, we went to the park close to Grandma Judy's house. It has a little kid park & a big kid park.
I loved this slide!
I did it again!
Mom is doing some tie dye. She accidentally dyed her feet.
When I got up from my nap, I climbed down these stairs! Check out my new outfit!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Not a good Toddler Park....

So, while Grandma Judy was getting hand therapy, Mom and I walked to this neighborhood park. Unfortunately, it was for bigger kids. I mean, what the heck is this? Do I look like I am having fun?
Ok. This wheel thing was somewhat interesting.
Oh no. This sand stuff is here. I don't really like sand, and it tastes bad, in case you wondered.
I don't even know what to do with this. Mom said I'd like this place in about 4 years.
On a happier note, Grandma bought me this great furry dog. It even has a pink bow. I love it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Spa Park City

Here I am high in the mountains enoying the sun and the aspens.
Yes, after a nice morning nap I came out to enjoy my own pool. It was nice and warm. Just right for being buck naked. Fortunately, the crab didn't seem to mind.
Grandma Judy had a good time too.
The mountain air is very relaxing. You should try it some time. I plan on doing this as much as possible.

Appliances are fun!

Hey look! What's back there?
This is as far as I got....Mom didn't want me to go in.
I have a dog collar. I am waiting to go to the dog park. Let's go Mom. What is keeping you?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dad's Company Picnic

Dad's company picnic happened on Friday, July 18th. It was a fun time. It was held out in Remlinger Farms in the foot hills of the Cascades. Beach balls were everywhere.
I was having trouble eating due to all the distractions. Dad tried to focus me on a fir tree.
We met Loren. She's two months younger than I am-and she's walking and she's eating big people food. My parents gave me a hard time.
I loved petting the goat!
And I had a good time on the playground. It took me awhile to fall asleep on the way home, but I finally did. It was an exciting day.

Count Von Count

Oh my gosh. I love this guy, second only to Elmo. When "the number of the day" comes on Sesame Street I am GLUED to the TV. This guy exudes nothing but charm. Plus I love the singing organ, it counts.....
See, I have this stupid look of sheer joy on my face.
Today was extra long because the Count counted to Twenty, whatever that means....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

No quack

My first word is ...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Semi Seattle Tourist

On Thursday we went to downtown Seattle. These are my 2nd cousins from Colorado, Abraham (white), Isaac (red), & Zoe (green) in front of the Seattle public market.
This is me in the market. Not a lot of room.
It was very crowded. Mom, Grandpa, & I had to leave.
This is Grandpa and I outside, next to the first Starbuck's.
Here is what is happening outside the fist Starbucks. The signage is different from all the other ones. Mom did not get a coffee, because her hands were full carrying me. (I am not fond of my stroller-I am very picky for someone so young.) More later, Love Rowan.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cheeky Monkey

Recently, I have been sporting a lot of bruises on my forehead. This is how I get them (I am demonstrating here). Usually I am on a hard floor, and I am crying. I bounce up and down like this and I end up bonking my head on the floor, which in turn makes me scream louder.
I know my folks use this pedal to open the trash....WHY won't you open? Elmo, what am I doing wrong?
So when Mom was working on my blog the other day, when she last looked I was playing on the floor, then she looked again and I was up here! TEEE HEEE! She jumped out of that computer chair really fast. That toy basket makes a good step.

Marvista Park

Mom finally discovered this park for little kids. She was having a hard time locating one nearby because Des Moines is full of old people. One of it's main businesses is housing the 55+ crowd. So, not much money has been spent on park equipment for little kids. Marvista park is north of us in Normandy Park. There is play equipment for toddlers & little kids. They keep the lawn really short here, so it's good for crawling.
The ground is lined with these rubber tiles, so if I fall on them it doesn't hurt as much.
I tried going backwards up the slide. I didn't get very far.
I ate Cheerios in the grass and I also tried a leaf, and then a pebble........I am VERY particular about what I put in my mouth.
That was a car that went by. I can now say "cah" and point at them when they drive by. I wasn't very social today, but I had a really good time.

Monday, July 7, 2008

13 months!

I am 13 months today! I forgot to mention in my last entry that as of July 2nd, I can clap my hands together! I love clapping. It's so much fun. Also, my parents think I am saying my first word. It's "Car" or "Cah" as I pronounce it. I also make a "quack" sound when I see ducks.
I haven't let the camera into the bathroom for 6 months. I decided to let you all see how I enjoy my baths. Nothing like a good chew on a wet wash cloth.
I like lining my bath toys on the edge of the tub. Silly mommy forgot to get the animals in the photo-next time.
I can also climb up on the furniture and reach the forbidden knitting projects. Hey, this is a nice color....... Mom's a fool if she thinks this gap can stop me.
I don't see what's so great about this stuff, it's kind of stringy. I will have more soon .

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

My 2nd Cousins from Colorado are visiting. Today, we went to the park. I love climbing the stairs!
My Dad played with Isaac and Abraham, and me too.
This was part of 4th of July dinner.
This is all of us, except for Mom, she's taking the picture. I ate cereal and crackers. I am kind of picky.
Dad played peek-a-boo with me. I was happy to go to bed tonight because I was so tired. I hope I sleep in.