Thursday, June 12, 2008

One Year Check Up

This is what I wore to the Doctor's office on June 10th. Yup that's my winter sweater. Brrr, Seattle has been really cold.
I am in the patient room waiting for Dr. Elahi. I am now 21 lbs, 7 oz, and 31 inches long. I am under weight for my height, but my mother is not to be alarmed. I am one of those beanpole babies/toddler. I was actually having a good time until the nurse came back in and gave me four shots. I was pissed! Ouch.
Dad styled my hair. I am now kicking-it's a favorite past time.
A hair close up.
Oh silly daddy. He's riding on Howdy and shooting his fingers. He's just missing a cowboy hat.