Sunday, June 8, 2008

Birthday 1

June 6th was not a good day. I couldn't poo and was really unhappy. Mom was on the phone speaking to my nurse several times to find ways to help me out. Neither of us were excited about the information and unfortunately, it was an all day event. Finally around 7pm I managed to get something out. This was all because my mother took me off breast milk and started giving me whole milk. NOT GOOD Mom. Now we are just doing formula. I have my 1 year check up on Tuesday-so we will consult with Dr. Elahi.

But to more fun things! My Birthday! June 7th!

I got this interesting puzzle from Mary Jane & Paul. I can put the circle back in.....but that's about it.

I had several clothes changes throughout the day because Mom couldn't figure out what I should wear. Ok, the balloons are ready....

The tower of cupcakes...ready.
Pirate skulls were the theme, oh no, I feel another clothes change coming on.....