Saturday, June 28, 2008

Zenith Park & Planes

I do not think that I have mentioned it before, but we live fairly close to Sea Tac airport. Planes are always flying over and I love them. Most of the time, when I hear one, I raise my hand. Today we went to Zenith Park. It is halfway between our house and Grandpa Norm's and Grandma Jeanie's place.
Grandpa Norm brought his two dogs and we brought ours-so it was small dog fest.
Daddy look! A Plane!
There it is!
I went for a little walk with both of my grandparents.

Teasing Una

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hugs & snuggles

Una hugged me the other morning.....
So I hugged her back.
I snuggled with my lion.....
and with my Dad.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Being Social

Ian came over today for a little while. We both knew that the other baby existed and was slightly interested in what the other was doing. Fortunately, there were no fights over toys. There was enough to go around.
So cooperative!

Also, yesterday, my mother took me to the local public library for infant/toddler storytime. It was fascinating, I have never seen so many babies is one room! An old lady told stories and nursery rhymes with puppets. I managed to get body slammed and them hugged by my neighbor, Titus. I cried, but soon got over it. My mother did not take pictures because she was not sure how the other mother's would feel about getting blogged.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Drama King

This may seem horrible, my mother taking a photo of me while I am crying....I like to make a fuss sometimes with no reason. Because I am upset, I bang my head on the floor and make myself cry harder! I did get the sympathy I was looking for soon after......
I can finally feed myself! yeah! It took me awhile.......

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day 2

We all went over to the nearby park after dinner. I took me a while to find Dad.
We went on the slide and we did some swinging.
I played with some balls....
We watched Paxton (standing on the right) and his Dad, Patrick play frisbee.
We were all really tired when we got home.

Father's Day 1

We went over to Aunt Megan and Patrick's house to celebrate Father's Day. Finally the sun was shining. My Dad and I were exchanging coasters. Oh, there were boxes everywhere because Aunt Megan & Patrick are moving to their new home next weekend.
Grandpa Norm was there....(He took care of me most of the day.)
Aunt Megan & Allie


Hey! What's this doing between the kitchen and the living room? How am I supposed to eat dog food and dump the dog water all over the floor-and then roll in it? How?
I got this thing on Saturday. I am not sure how it works yet, but it is interesting. It makes some noises.
Hmmmm. Fascinating.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

One Year Check Up

This is what I wore to the Doctor's office on June 10th. Yup that's my winter sweater. Brrr, Seattle has been really cold.
I am in the patient room waiting for Dr. Elahi. I am now 21 lbs, 7 oz, and 31 inches long. I am under weight for my height, but my mother is not to be alarmed. I am one of those beanpole babies/toddler. I was actually having a good time until the nurse came back in and gave me four shots. I was pissed! Ouch.
Dad styled my hair. I am now kicking-it's a favorite past time.
A hair close up.
Oh silly daddy. He's riding on Howdy and shooting his fingers. He's just missing a cowboy hat.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Birthday 5-Winding down

Ian's hair stood up really well.
I finally wanted out of the box. Carson was having fun with the new toys.
I got stackrobats.
Haba blocks from both grandparents. I can chew on them and not get lead poisoning!
I got trucks, a puzzle, bath toys and an inflatable rolling rattle to chase after. What a good day.

Birthday 4- opening gifts

Finally it was time to do something else. Mom tried to get me excited about the crinkling of paper, but
I found the experience to be really dull. I had some other things to do.....
Fortunately, my friend Carson (he's two), was able to step in as my proxy and did most of the unwrapping. He did a really good job.
Ohh-some wooden trucks from Germany, nice.
I was having a good time in my new toy box.

Birthday 3-Cake

Hey-everyone is singing! This is interesting....
I tried touching the candle, but Mom blew it out-fast! I then slapped my cupcake on the floor. I would not sit in my high chair.
Most everyone else enjoyed the cake-except Baby Veta.
I hung out on the floor and played with shoes.
Aunt Megan tried giving me some of her cake, but I wasn't really into it.

Birthday 2-Guests

Grandpa Norm was one of the first to arrive. (Notice the 3rd outfit.)
Aunt Megan and Veta.
Calvin & Ian.
Hidi & Casey.
Three generations of Blacksher men. That's Carson in the lower left corner......