Saturday, May 31, 2008

Memorial Day BBQ

So, next day we are in San Rafael at Aunt Jill & Uncle Chris's House. They had a bunch of people over.
Mom's old friends, Aaron & John from NYC were there. They were playing a game with me and trying to teach me sign language. It was a lot of fun.
Here we all are including their son Raul.
Great Aunt Peggy was showing me her dog Winter. I love dogs.
I ended the day by chewing on a duck out on the deck.


I flew into San Francisco last Sunday. Uncle Chris picked Mom and myself up at the airport and we drove to Davis. Aunt Shelia & Uncle Pete live there. At their house I saw Tha tha & Grandma Judy.
Who are you? Oh, Cousin Maya. Hello. I like your dog.
Wow! This is great! Davis has an awesome park.
What the hell is this stuff? Mom, why did you put me here? Yuck.
I got a ride on Uncle Chris's shoulders. It turned out to be a very exciting, long day.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The dogs like it, it MUST be good.

Recently my mother has been complaining about what little I like to eat. I decided to branch out on my own, away from breast milk/formula and Cheerios. Please take note that my father took this picture.
Dad and I harassed the old dog together.
Reports say that children under the age of two should not watch TV. I do not have a glazed look in my eye! I was not viewing Sprout TV! It's my mother's fault, she has the remote control! No Mommy! Seeing "Bob the Builder" is a punishment. I'll probably turn out to be an idiot.
I helped Mom by crawling all over the groceries when we returned home from Costco. She got a little irritated when I rolled over the loves of bread. What's the big deal?
I think I am getting another tooth. Mother will not believe it until she sees it. My present teeth count are 2. More later. I am going to hit the pool a second time this week since we will be in California the last week of May.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hooligan in training

Hi Pasta! I Love you!
Where did Pasta go? My diaper's clean? Pasta seems to choose being out on the porch rather than spending time with me. I wonder if I should be offended?
Mom's friends, Aaron & John sent me this swim suit. Nice huh? Too bad there weren't any lady babies at the pool last night. I like the anchor.
In case you didn't see the video. I can pull myself up on things! Now, if only I can get some more teeth so I can eat solid food......

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Guess what I did this morning ...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

On the Move

Mom took too long with getting on a new diaper, so I took off.
I finally have on my clean diaper and pants....
There I go! Can't sit still.
What is this? moves.
I got stuck behind the sofa on one of my recent adventures. Can you believe Mom took a picture of me instead of helping me out?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm Crawling!

Don't I look handsome in my red overalls? I finally got big enough to fit into them.
I really love my Dad.
I can get into the crawling position all by myself. At present i can only move this way a couple of steps, then I drop onto my stomach and crawl like a wounded soldier. I love it! I can make it much more directly to my target, whether it be a dog, cord, or bowl full of water. Gone are the days of my parents sitting on their butts.
I got these Tolo cup toys from Grandma Judy on our last visit to Park City. I find them lots of fun.
Dad thought this would be a good picture. I will write more soon. Thanks for looking.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I Love Dogs

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lab Rat

It was a busy day today. I went to University Village in Seattle with Grandma Jeanie, Great Aunt Carol and Mom. I tried the slide, and it was fun!
I also tried the pirate hat, but I wasn't into it. Mom seemed more excited about it than I did.
Mom and I then went to the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington, behind the hospital. We had an appointment to see Rechele. She "played" with me and filmed it. There were various toys around the room and she was trying to get my attention with gestures. I sat on Mom's lap the whole time, but she had to be blind folded so that I would not take any queues from her.
This is Rechele. She was good. I was very interested in what she was doing. I enjoyed our 20 minutes together.
Rechele paid me with this cool ball. I like it. I can throw it with one hand. Mom has kept me in the pool for possible future studies of me.

Monday, May 5, 2008

We are back.

So, after a long plane ride back, with a stop in Spokane (yes, it was a surprise to all and I was a terror), and a GOOD night's sleep all is well with the world. This morning I am sporting my new bib made by Diane (one of Mom's knitting friends). I wouldn't eat my food though, so it still remains like new.
It is sunny in Seattle this morning. We went to the dog park. It's nice to be home.

The most amazing thing......

So I am playing at Tha tha's & Grandma Judy's when all of a sudden....
The Teletubbies came on their BIG TV! It was like a dream come true.
Grandma Judy watched it with me.
Aunt Sheila from Davis came for a one night visit. She's very nice.Mom's birthday is coming soon. Grandma Judy got a cake to celebrate. This is from a really nice bakery in Salt Lake called Backer's. It was delicious.

Utah cont.....

One night last week we had dinner at Paul & Mary Jane's. We went there on our last visit in February. I enjoyed the floor. Nice carpet. The colors are more subtle than the ones at home.
Jax the dog lives here. He was chewing on his monkey. I got a hold of it several times and the grown ups were intent on taking it away? So what if it was a little moist?
Mary Jane held me so Mom could eat dinner. It was a pleasant evening out. Oh, and I caught a glimpse of the cat! How exciting! They always seem to run away from me.