Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blacksher Christmas

We celebrated Sunday, December 9th, because my parents and I will be in Utah on Christmas. I loved the crinkling of the paper. It was fun!
I got this great hat from Aunt Megan and Patrick. I plan on sporting it in Park City next week. It also came with matching mitties.

A side story-I wore this hat to the dog park yesterday and a fellow dogwalker mistook me for a dog in a pouch. Silly lady, she had to look twice to see that I was a handsome young man
I got a little cranky, so Grandpa tried to settle me down.
Grandma Jeanie got a GREAT gift-the book of me, my first 6 months. Oops. I hope Grandma Judy doesn't look at this blog before Christmas. She loved it!
This is Patrick. You've seen Aunt Megan. You'll probably see more of him at Blacksher events. He's nice, but not a big "baby" holder. That's ok, I LOVE it when my Aunt M holds me.