I got up this morning and pushed my cars around.

We left fairly early this morning to head down to Salt Lake. One of the hot air balloons was landing.

We went to the Discovery Center. I liked sitting with the balls.

I REALLY enjoyed pushing this chicken around in the stroller.

Wasn't so keen on the horse.

I fell asleep on the way home. Had a 25 minute nap and then would not go back to sleep. I learned house to push snow from Paul (Mary Jane's husband). Mom said this was a good skill for me to know since I am part Minnesotan.

This is harder than it looks.

I got to love up Jaxs the dog before we went home.

No! This is not me sleeping at 6:40 in the evening. Mom decided to take me upstairs and put me to bed. I plan on waking up extra early tomorrow.